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Llama 2 7b Gguf

Llama 2 7B - GGUF

GGUF Format Model Files for Metas Llama 2 7B

What is GGUF?

GGUF is a new format introduced by the llamacpp team on August 21st, 2023. It is a format that allows for the storage of large language models in a more efficient way.

What's New in WEB Llama 2 7B - GGUF?

WEB Llama 2 7B - GGUF is an advanced iteration of Llama-2 with an expanded vocabulary of Korean corpus. It serves as a successor to Llama 2 ko 7B - GGUF.

Fine-tuning Metas Llama 2 7B

You can fine-tune Metas Llama 2 7B by following the steps outlined in the accompanying video walk-through. You can also refer to the notebook and tutorial provided.

The BlokeLlama-2-7b

The BlokeLlama-2-7b model does not have the following files: pytorch_modelbin, tf_modelh5, modelckpt, or flax_modelmsgpack.
